Move.Touch. Inspire.
Family Wednesday, January 2nd 2013 2
This time of year everyone is posting some type of review, some sort of glance at the images from the past year. If you want to see ours you can go here:
2012 Studio Favourites (Feel free to tag yourself so that your friends can family can see too!)
What I want to talk about today, this very first post for 2013 is opportunity. The start of a new year always conjures up feelings of renewal, a chance to start fresh and go in a new or strengthened direction. To perhaps add more resolve to your life, to be better, to do better. You know, that longing to eat better and be healthier, or that spark in your heart that calls you to try something new. Many, many, many people start off this way, absolutely (sort-of-mostly) convinced that this is the year to … And we head off at blazing speed down the path that is certain to lead us to what we want.
Then an obstacle shows up and our resolve and tenacity are challenged. The challenges even make it reasonable even completely understandable to walk away and simply give up. Yet we all know that in those challenging moments is the only real opportunity to move forward, to truly make that change that you wanted to so badly when you first dreamt of it.
I’m not much of a motivational speaker and I certainly find writing blog posts darn near the most difficult thing I can think of but I want to use every drop of what I have access to the fullest extent of opportunities it gives me. Maybe it will inspire you to do the same.
In 2013 my studio and my life have begun with a new foundation, a new resolve. I do what I do to move, touch and inspire. I have always felt that way but truth be told I was too afraid to say it. You know people actually hold you to your word when you say something out loud?! Scary.
My challenge was fear; fear of being held accountable, fear of failing, etc. So I’ve made my resolve in spite of fear, now its your turn.
What is it that you really truly want?
If you feel so bold, leave a comment here or on Facebook telling us about it. Just know we’ll hold you to it 😉